Workers' House: Poverty and unemployment exacerbate the child labor crisis

بيت العمال: الفقر والبطالة يفاقمان أزمة عمل الأطفال


Amman Net - The Labor House warned that poverty and unemployment rates remain at unprecedented levels and the expansion of the size of unorganized labor will push towards a record increase in the number of working children, and that the number of working children is still likely to rise...

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The Labor House recommends updating the national strategy to reduce child labour

بيت العمل يوصي بتحديث الإستراتيجية الوطنية للحد من عمل الأطفال


Petra News Agency - Amman - In a report issued today, Saturday, on the occasion of the World Day against Child Labor, which falls on June 12 of each year, the Workers’ House recommended updating the national strategy to reduce child labor, so that it is binding on all relevant parties.

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Abu Najma: There is no clear database related to the labor market in Jordan

أبو نجمة: لا يوجد قاعدة بيانات واضحة تتعلق بسوق العمل في الأردن


Roya Channel - Head of the Labor House for Studies, Hamada Abu Najma, said that the Jordanian labor market has been suffering from several distortions for years, and there is no clear database related to the labor market.

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“Corona”: 191 thousand employees lost their jobs in 2020

“كورونا”.. 191 ألف موظف خسروا أعمالهم في 2020


Al-Ghad newspaper - Amman - Official figures revealed that the number of employees who lost their jobs in Jordan jumped to 191,000 employees during the year 2020 (the year of Corona), compared to 71,000 employees who lost their jobs in 2018.

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Announcing establishments benefiting from “Tashfeel”.. soon

اإلعالن عن منشآت مستفيدة من »تشغيل«.. قريب


Al-Rai Newspaper - Minister of Labor, Nayef Estitiyeh, will soon announce a number of private sector establishments that have registered to benefit from the “Tasheel” program, which the government recently launched to enable these establishments to employ their needs of Jordanian workers.

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NGOs urge social security, protection for all workers

NGOs urge social security, protection for all workers


Jordan News - AMMAN — A workshop kicked off a series of debates on protection in the working environment in Jordan and recommendations for enhancing the social protection system for vulnerable populations.

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The basic “Sustainability” ends next month, and the fate of “Flexible” is in the hands of “Daman”

“استدامة” الأساسي ينتهي الشهر المقبل ومصير “المرن” بيد “الضمان”


Al-Ghad newspaper - Amman - At the end of next month, according to Communication No. (52), work on the basic and amended Estidama program for establishments benefiting from it will end, the number of which the General Organization for Social Security estimated at 2,400 establishments, employing about 41,000 workers, but work on the program has ended. This does not mean the end of work on another program launched by the institution, apart from defense orders and communications, as it is the decision maker to cancel or maintain it, which is the “Flexible Sustainability” program.

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Jordan hopes employment program will help the jobless

Jordan hopes employment program will help the jobless


Jordan News - AMMAN — The government is inviting hotels and restaurants to benefit from a program which seeks to assist job seekers in finding employment opportunities nationwide.

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Calls to reconsider the social protection system in Jordan

دعوات لإعادة النظر بمنظومة الحماية الاجتماعية في الأردن


Kingdom - Experts and trade unionists in the field of labor recommended the necessity of reconsidering the social protection system in Jordan, to include the largest possible number of male and female workers under the umbrella of social security, and to limit the expansion of unorganized labor.

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Creating new specializations is a step in the right direction...but!

استحداث تخصصات جديدة خطوة بالاتجاه الصحيح.. ولكن!


Amman Net - At a time when experts in the field of education are calling for the necessity of creating new academic specializations whose outcomes are compatible with the local market, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has recently created a number of specializations and study programs at the various university levels, which meet the needs of the local, regional and international labor market. , she said.

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Report: The need to pay attention to the needs of female workers in government programs

تقرير: ضرورة الالتفات لاحتياجات العاملات في برامج الحكومة


Al-Ghad newspaper - Amman - After starting to deal with the effects of the post-Corona pandemic, a specialized report called for serious attention to the needs of female workers in government policies and programs to adapt and recover from the pandemic, and to expand the umbrella of their social protection, by reducing or supporting the participation of non-participants in social security and including them in health insurance, and supporting... Working mothers with children of school and nursery age, by developing and applying decent work principles.

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Regulation protecting agricultural laborers has yet to be observed

Regulation protecting agricultural laborers has yet to be observed


Jordan News - AMMAN — Regulation issued in May last year to secure a decent work environment and raise the level of production in the strategic agricultural sector has yet to be abated by, people working in the field said.

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Suspending the system of agricultural workers increases labor violations in the sector

ايقاف العمل بنظام العاملين في الزراعة يزيد من الانتهاكات العمالية في القطاع


Amman Net - Lawyer Hamada Abu Najma, head of the Workers’ House, told the program “Syrians Among Us” on Al-Balad Radio regarding agricultural workers. The government believes that labor protection for workers in the agricultural sector burdens employers and weakens the ability of the agricultural sector to continue and work. “This is contrary to the principles of Humanity,” says Abu Najma.

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Women are the most affected by the repercussions of Corona and their withdrawal from the labor market

المرأة المتضرر الأكبر من تداعيات كورونا وانسحابها من سوق العمل


Al-Dustour Newspaper - The Corona pandemic directly affected women’s work and imposed additional challenges and burdens on them under unsuitable working conditions, and added family burdens to them as a result of the closure of nurseries, the move towards distance education, the cessation of work, and periods of ban, which prompted them to withdraw from the labor market.

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Small hands exhausted by poverty, school dropouts, and dangerous professions... Who protects Syrian minors in Jordan?

أيدٍ صغيرة أنهكها الفقر والتسرّب المدرسي والمهن الخطرة… من يحمي القاصرات السوريات في الأردن؟


Drawer - With an exhausted body, the Syrian refugee girl Ghada Hassan (pseudonym, 18 years old) goes every morning with her brothers and father to work on the farms. Ghada sought refuge in Jordan in 2013, leaving her country behind to find herself facing a very difficult new reality.

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Report: Corona revealed the fragility of the labor market with the addition of 110,000 unemployed people

تقرير: كورونا كشفت هشاشة سوق العمل مع إضافة 110 آلاف متعطل


A report issued by the Labor House on the occasion of International Workers’ Day said that the Corona crisis revealed the fragility of the labor market and its lack of social protection requirements, especially for workers in the unorganized sector, who represent 48% of the total number of workers.

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Al-Sawair writes: Labor Day and modernizing the political system

السواعير يكتب: عيد العمال وتحديث المنظومة السياسية


Jafra News - International Labor Day this year comes after the completion of the adoption of laws modernizing the political system. Labor Day in the past two years came during the pandemic, which increased many of the burdens from which we were suffering mainly due to the poor situation and economic, financial and administrative conditions in various sectors.

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Workers’ Home: A work-related injury every 37 minutes and one death every two days for those covered by the insurance

بيت العمال: إصابة عمل كل 37 دقيقة ووفاة واحدة كل يومين للمشمولين بالضمان


Al-Ghad newspaper - The “Workers’ House for Studies” issued its annual report on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health in the Workplace, in which it indicated that the Corona pandemic has revealed wide legislative and regulatory gaps in the field of occupational safety and health, both in terms of the extent to which the legislation covers institutions and workers in light of the lack of coverage. Large sectors of workers are covered and protected by labor and social security laws, especially those working in the informal economy...

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The Workers’ House calls for stricter occupational safety and health conditions

بيت العمال يدعو للتشدد بشروط السلامة والصحة المهنية


Amman, April 27 (Petra) - A report by the Labor House said that the government and employers faced enormous challenges during the Corona pandemic in confronting its effects, maintaining occupational safety and health measures, and raising awareness about adopting safe practices in the workplace.

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Report highlights safety loopholes in Jordanian labor market

Report highlights safety loopholes in Jordanian labor market


Jordan News - The Workers House issued its annual report on Wednesday, on the occasion of the International Day for Safety and Health in the Workplace. According to the report, the pandemic has revealed wide legislative and regulatory gaps in the field of occupational safety and health, and in terms of the extent to which legislation covers institutions and workers, underlining the fact that large sectors of the workforce are not covered.

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Social dialogue is the cornerstone of building a positive culture of safety and health in the workplace

الحوار الاجتماعي عماد بناء الثقافة الإيجابية لسلامة وصحة أماكن العمل


Amman, April 28 (Petra) - Razan Al-Mubaideen - The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which falls on April 28, focuses on preventing occupational accidents and diseases worldwide, in addition to promoting social dialogue towards a culture of occupational safety and health.

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The Workers’ House issues its annual report on the occasion of International Workers’ Day entitled “Beyond the Crisis”

بيت العمال يصدر تقريره السنوي بمناسبة يوم العمال العالمي بعنوان "ما بعد الأزمة"


International Truth - Amman - The Labor House for Studies issued its report on the occasion of International Labor Day under the title “After the Crisis,” in which it shed light on the challenges of the effects of the pandemic crisis, which it pointed out is still casting a shadow on the national economy and various labor sectors in an unprecedented way, in light of The repercussions it had on jobs and production, in the most difficult local and global crisis facing the Jordanian labor market...

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Trade union and labor organizations call for the need to develop poverty reduction policies

منظمات نقابية وعمالية تدعو إلى ضرورة تطوير سياسات الحد من الفقر


Al-Ghad newspaper - Trade union and labor organizations called for the need to develop policies to reduce poverty, improve social and labor conditions, while emphasizing the importance of increasing inspection tours in workplaces to reduce violations to which workers are exposed, and adopting policies that accelerate overcoming the Corona virus crisis, address its effects, and stimulate economic growth. And providing social protection.

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Corona added 110,000 Jordanians to unemployment ranks

كورونا اضافت 110 ألاف اردنيا لصفوف البطالة


People Agency - The Labor House for Studies issued its report on the occasion of International Labor Day under the title “After the Crisis,” in which it shed light on the challenges of the effects of the pandemic crisis, which it pointed out is still casting a shadow on the national economy and various labor sectors in an unprecedented way, in light of the repercussions it has had on people. Jobs and production...

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Unemployment rates rise at the end of 2021

ارتفاع معدلات البطالة في نهاية عام 2021


Al-Dustour Newspaper - The Workers’ House for Studies issued its report on the occasion of International Workers’ Day under the title “After the Crisis,” in which it addressed the effects of the Corona crisis on the national economy and various labor sectors in an unprecedented way.

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