I ask the head of the Guarantee Money Investment Fund “closely”... and how much did the fund lose..?!

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What does it mean if a high-ranking official violates the security law for ten years and the guarantee does not recover from him half a million dinars that he illegally took...?!

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Regarding the salary of the director of the Jerash Festival again... and what is the penalty if it is proven that incorrect data was provided for the guarantee...?!

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570 dinars, the average wages of those insured with active insurance who are covered compulsorily..!

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What is the legal condition of the contract to purchase the services of the director of the Jerash Festival and his wages, which are subject to a guarantee deduction?

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A quarter of a million Jordanian workers who are subscribers to the insurance receive (300) dinars or less..!

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A radio talk dating back to the beginning of the pandemic.. and I am proud of what I said, so what about those who fish in troubled waters and have delved into stupidity..!

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Why did the government not support the unemployment fund during the pandemic..?!

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Important questions that are intertwined with a quick and transparent answer, which I ask to the Director General of the Social Security Institution..!

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Why did you say that the Ministry of Agriculture’s letter issued yesterday referring a number of its employees to early retirement is illegal?

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2.24 billion dinars in insurance financial surpluses during the years 2016-2020

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What are the costs that the guarantee will bear as a result of extending work on the sustainability and protection programmes, and will the president bear the consequences?!

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