Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020

World Bank Group

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Unemployment in light of the Corona pandemic

At this stage, unemployment is considered one of the most important problems that countries around the world suffer from. It has become a structural problem in the global economy, and has negative effects on the economic, social, and political levels...

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Expectations of an increase in the number of working children in the time of Corona

In light of expectations of an increase in the number of unemployed people and a decrease in income for many workers, whether organized or unorganized, and their exposure to falling into poverty as a result of the crisis...

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Country situation report 2019 - Economic and Social Council

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Amendments to the labor law that violate international labor standards

The draft Temporary Labor Law No. (26) of 2010, consisting of (39) articles, was developed by consensus between the three labor parties (workers, employers, government) and after consulting the opinions...

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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Summary of the report of the Beit Al-Ummal Center for Studies and Research on the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons

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A report on the draft proposed amendments to the Labor Law

An analytical report by the Workers’ House on the basic topics included in the amendments to the law amending Labor Law No. 14 of 2019

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The numbers indicate that approximately (39) work accidents occur every minute and an injury death every two days, and these numbers certainly do not reflect the actual and real numbers...

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United Nations principles relating to older persons

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Principles for Older Persons (resolution 46/91) on 16 December 1991

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World Day Against Child Labour

Report of the Labor House Center for Studies and Research on the occasion of the World Day against Child Labour

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The effects of “Corona” on international tourism

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